Special message for Stan & Veronica

I know a lot of people are probably wondering just what does Veronica see in Stan? Well, I have known him maybe just 6-7 years long and to be fair… I don’t know either!

What I can tell you is that he has been an amazing bromance to me. Especially those time where he made me worked overnights making multiple changes for our joint projects. They were traumatic times and I swore that if I ever got the chance to enact my revenge, it would be humiliating him in front of a group of his closest friends and family. Stan, please give me a chance to speak on your wedding day.

Justin Lee (Groomsman)

Well Wishes

Dear my sis who I always look up to, I’m really grateful you found Stan! Stan makes you a really really happy woman. Thank you Stan! Both of you will always be a lovinv couple and also great parents! May God guides both of you in every single step of your marriage life! Keep lovey dovey~ ♥♥♥

Tania Finella
Tania FinellaVeronica’s lil “sis”

To Vero, I love youuuu so much! Uber super happy that you found a loving man. I wish you a blessed joyful fruitful marriage filled with purposeful plans and adventures. Hope you and Stan experience His grace and peace daily all the rest of your days together. Prayers and love from Sydney, Sasa.

SasaSister from a different parent

Can't wait to celebrate your big day! Enjoy the preparation and wishing both of you wonderful journey of love.

Dannis & Kiki
Dannis & KikiVeronica's Cousin

It has been an honor to know both of you. Ur kindness, sincerity and love are your best things, do not ever lose it! ENJOY THE RIDE AND WELCOME TO THE CLUB VERY SOON!

Darryl & Cory
Darryl & CoryVeronica's Friend

Congrats!! Happily ever after Stan & Vero 🙂 🙂

Victor Emanuel
Victor EmanuelVeronica's Friend

Congratulations! Enjoy the preparation of ur big day, it will be one of ur best memories in ur life!

Margaret Tan
Margaret TanStan's Friend

Hey Stan and Vero, congratulations to you both. We will definitely be there! Mark 10:8-10 "And the two shall become one flesh, so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together let not men seperate." God bless you!!

Shirley & Veera
Shirley & VeeraVeronica's Cousin

Best wishes on a joyful and prosperous life to the both of you who truly deserve each other! Have a great marriage and a greater married life!

Futing & Chenkai
Futing & ChenkaiStan's Friend

Congratulations to you both! Thanks for inviting me to share in your joy! Will be there.

Nona Ooi
Nona OoiStan's Friend